If you are interested in travelling to Lake Kutubu please fill out the application form



Projects for 2020:

Our aim would be to assist the Inu mission station to re-establish and repair the health clinic, staff houses, the primary school, teacher houses, pastor’s houses and the church.  If there were enough workers it would be good to venture to other villages to assist them also. Baiwa church that is situated next to Inu needs pulling down and rebuilding. Firman Hanna also experience extensive damage at his place. He is the co-ordinator for establishing the new Bible and training Centre.

Lake Kutubu is located in the remote area of the Southern Highland with very little goods and services.  You will have to be prepared before you go as supplies of any type are limited. Internet is limited.  


When travelling to Lake Kutubu we fly from Brisbane to Port Moresby then overnight there.  Then fly the next day to Moro which is near the Lake.

Depending on where you stay in Port Moresby the transport from the airport is by taxi or hotel shuttle.  Taxi fare is negotiated prior to getting into the car and should not be any more than K40

During the Earth quake the roads in Kutubu were blocked by landslides therefore we could not go by road to the main mission station and village of Inu.  In March we travelled to a nearby by village of Soro and camped in the church on their floor which was concrete. (If this is the plan you will need to bring something to sleep on. Camping gear.) Fortunately this church was not damaged in the earthquake.  We then travelled the next day by boat (banana boat or dugout canoe with out board motor) across the lake to Inu. The fuel for the boat will have to be paid for which is K50.

If the roads are still closed to visit other villages you will need to go by boat.  To go to the furthest end of the Lake to visit Gesege it could cost K100 for fuel. Once at Gesege the Outridge’s Troupe Carrier will be available but the fuel and cost of running will have to be covered.


You need to fly virgin airlines from Brisbane to Port Moresby as they are align with PNG air which fly into Moro. This will allow you to take 23kgs of luggage.  (Internal flights only allow 16kgs in PNG unless you have recently flown in from overseas on the airlines which they are align with)

The internal flights in PNG can be expensive.   

Search the web for the current price.  You will need to fly PNG air from Port Moresby to Moro.   Flight are only available Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays


Port Moresby - If available we stay at Mapang Mission Home.  Information can be found by emailing office@mapang.org   or www.mapang.org  This is a hostel where you may be required to share a room with members of the same sex who you do not know.  Married couples are given a room to themselves. Mapang has a no alcohol and smoking policy on their premises. Alternate accommodation is available at Comfort Inn or other motels.  However, Comfort Inn is three times the cost of Mapang mission home and other Motels cost even more.


After the earthquake the guest house was too damaged to say in. In March, we were accommodated in a new house which had been built for a health worker which they were still waiting for them to arrive.  It has hot water and flushing toilet. You will need to bring a towel and sheets. If you bring old ones we could leave them there. As this house has only 3 bedrooms numbers would be limited.  Alternate sleeping arrangement may be made at the clinic.


Typhoid, Hep A & B, Malaria prevention, and update ADT, fluvax, MMR and polio


We would appreciate if you will travel light, ie. 10- 15kgs each so extra supplies can be sent up.  


There is not a large variety of food.  Take breakfast cereal, dried packaged food, powdered milk, snack food, small amount of tin food and coffee. There will be stores where you can buy rice, 2 minute noodles, soft drink and other limited supplies. People will give you a small variety of fruit and vegetables Eg: Sweet potatoes, spring onions, pumpkins, paw, pineapples, bananas, cucumbers – depending what is in season.  


We take water purifying tablets or boil the water.  There was tank water there at the house in March.


We recommend closed shoes, (slip on boots, so they are easy to take off at the door) insect repellent, sunscreen (with the malaria tablets your skin will be sun sensitive) Shirts with sleeves, light clothing that dries quickly.  Also female will need to swim in our cloths due to the culture sensitive. Eg. Long board shorts are ok with a sun shirt. Thongs for inside.

You will need a torch as there is no electricity.


Lake Kutubu is a “dry” province there the consumption of alcohol is not permitted. When staying on the mission station they do not allow smoking on their property.


PNG is generally known as an unsafe place.  In Port Moresby it is safe to walk around in the day.  Do not display valuables such as phones and cameras. Try not to look like tourists.  Be aware of people trying to sell you street wares. It is not safe to walk around after dark.  If you wish to go out catch a taxi to your destination.

In Kutubu it is very safe.  We have never had any problems in Kutubu at all.


Port Moresby- meals are provided at Mapang and Comfort Inn for a cost (approx. K40-K35) alternately you can buy them elsewhere.

Kutubu – you will need to cook own meals and provide own food.


We suggest that you allow $2000.