Our focus has been around 6 main goals, developed through extensive consultation with local leaders


1. Establish a training centre for pastoral, trade skills and leadership development. 

2. Assist with the preservation of local culture, language and cultural artifacts, along with free access to related documents. 

3. Develop improved protein security.

4.  Preserve biodiversity of the lake and environment.

5. Address health issues through direct clinical work (those not covered by local Aid Posts), and enhance local health-related skills and facilities.

6. Assist local pre-schools to enhance the potential of local children entering the education system. 


Plans for the Future

Our aim is to continue to pursue the 6 main goals above, in particular over the next 3 years, to establish the new training centre for the Bible, trade and leadership skills, and see the electrical trade school achieve national level accreditation. We shall continue demonstrating the value of good medical treatments and scope out the possibility of developing the local hospital to the level of being able to perform emergency surgery. 









Over the past 10 years some of our achievements include:

  • Shipping container of goods for training centre establishment.

  • Providing digital recording and computer storage for cultural preservation.

  • Assisting with development of electrical trade school.

  • Introduction of numerous solar lighting installations and assisting locals to develop solar installation skills.

  • Monitoring lake environmental issues and advocating on behalf of locals with mining companies.

  • Researching options for the preservation of lake fish biodiversity in the face of Tilapia infestations.

  • Health education seminars.

  • Medical clinics focussing on issues not adequately covered by local services (e.g. maintaining insulin supplies to women who would of otherwise have died; screening for high blood pressures, diabetes, kidney disease).

  • Assisting locals with pre-school development.